School Too Educations Component Of Naac Inwards Promoting Character On Higher Education

School Too Educations Component Of Naac Inwards Promoting Character On Higher Education

The meat mission of higher didactics is to educate, train, undertake, enquiry in addition to furnish service to the community. The Higher Education inwards Bharat is the Second largest scheme inwards the world. It has witnessed many crimp increment inwards its institutional capacity since independence- from 1950 to 2012, the number of universities from twenty to close 431, colleges from 500 to 20,677 in addition to teachers from 15, to 5.05 Lakhs alongside pupil enrollment from 1.00 lakh to over 116.12 Lakhs. Then to protect the lineament of the higher didactics institutions, the National Policy Mission advise the Accreditation unit.  Based on this, University Grants Commission (UGC), nether subdivision 12 CCC of the UGC Act (Act 3 of 1956), established the National Assessment in addition to Accreditation Council (NAAC) as an Autonomous Institution on xvi September 1994 alongside Registered Office at Bangalore.
The National Assessment in addition to Accreditation Council is inwards its 18th twelvemonth of functioning now. Seventeen years may non hateful a long fourth dimension inwards the annals of Indian higher education, which may information dorsum to the ancient flow of ‘Nalanda’ in addition to ‘Takshashila’, but it tin sure live a sufficiently long flow for a National Quality Assurance Agency to pick out stock of its policies in addition to practices. The decade-old history of NAAC is a story of many triumphs in addition to tribulations. Addressing the lineament concerns of world’s minute largest higher didactics scheme has meant, adding several dimensions to the experiences of lineament assurance initiatives of NAAC. Quality assurance models, as alongside higher didactics systems themselves, are designed to fulfill long- term collective needs. The lineament assurance agencies are obliged to human face upward enduring questions such as defining in addition to maintaining standards of lineament in addition to as of import demand to maintain their methodologies up- to –date in addition to responsive to shifting societal needs. The of import actions in addition to methodologies of NAAC are explained here.

QUALITY movement inwards Indian HIGHER EDUCATION
The British Standard Institution (BSI) defines lineament as “the totality of features in addition to characteristics of a production or service that deport upon its mightiness to satisfy stated or implied needs” (BSI, 1991). As teachers, principals, heads of departments in addition to planners in addition to policy makers inwards education, you lot may live having this query inwards your take away heed – why worry close quality? This is because of the next reasons:
1. COMPETITION: - We are entering a novel regime, where contest amid educational institutions for students in addition to funds volition live highly significant. In monastic say to live on inwards such a situation, educational institutions demand to worry close their quality.
2. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: - Students, parents or sponsoring agencies as customers of the educational institutions are at nowadays highly witting of their rights or getting value for their coin in addition to fourth dimension spent.
3. MAINTAINING STANDARDS: - As educational institutions, nosotros are ever concerned close setting our ain criterion in addition to maintaining it continuously twelvemonth afterward year. In monastic say to maintain the standard, nosotros should consciously construct efforts to improve lineament of the educational transactions as good as the educational provisions in addition to facilities.
4. ACCOUNTABILITY: Every establishment is accountable to its stakeholders inwards price of the funds (public or private) used on it.
5. IMPROVE EMPLOYEE MORALE AND MOTIVATION: Your line organisation for lineament as an establishment volition improve the morale in addition to motivation of the staff inwards performing their duties in addition to responsibilities
6. CREDIBILITY, PRESTIGE AND STATUS: If you lot are concerned close quality, continuously in addition to non ane time inwards a while, it volition convey inwards credibility to individuals in addition to your establishment because of consistency leading to prestige, condition in addition to construct value.
7. IMAGE AND VISIBILITY: Quality institutions have got the capacity to attract ameliorate stakeholder support, similar getting merited students from far in addition to near, increased donations/ grants from philanthropists/ funding agencies in addition to higher employer involvement for slowly placement of graduates.
The of import lineament movements inwards Bharat are explained below:
The University Grants Commission (UGC) alongside its statutory powers is expected to maintain lineament inwards Indian higher didactics institutions. Section 12 of the UGC Act of 1956 requires UGC to live responsible for “the determination in addition to maintenance of standards of teaching, examinations in addition to enquiry inwards universities”. To fulfill this mandate, the UGC has been continuously developing mechanisms to monitor lineament inwards colleges in addition to universities straight or indirectly. In monastic say to improve quality, it has established national enquiry facilities, in addition to Academic Staff Colleges to re-orient teachers in addition to furnish refresher courses inwards bailiwick areas. The UGC too conducts the National Eligibility Test (NET) for setting high standards of teaching. Various committees in addition to commissions on didactics over the years have got emphasized straight or indirectly the demand for improvement in addition to recognition of lineament inwards Indian higher didactics system. The concept of autonomous colleges as recommended yesteryear Kothari Commission (1964-66) has its roots inwards the concept of lineament improvement. Since the adoption of the National Policy on Education (1968), at that topographic point has been a tremendous expansion of educational opportunities at all levels, peculiarly inwards higher education. With the expansion of educational institutions, came the line organisation for quality. The constitutional amendment inwards 1976 brought didactics to the concurrent listing making the primal regime to a greater extent than responsible for lineament improvement. The New Education Policy (1986) emphasized on the recognition in addition to vantage of excellence inwards performance of institutions in addition to checking of sub-standard institutions. Consequently, the Programme of Action (PoA) inwards 1986 stated, “As a component division of its responsibleness for the maintenance in addition to advertisement of standards of education, the UGC will, to get down with, pick out the initiatory to flora an Accreditation in addition to Assessment Council as an autonomous body”. After 8 years of continuous in addition to serious deliberations, the UGC established NAAC at Bangalore as a registered autonomous trunk on 16th September 1994 nether the Societies Registration Act of 1860.
The milestones inwards the emergence of NAAC tin live identified as follows:
1986: UGC constituted a 15-member commission on Accreditation in addition to Assessment Council nether the chairmanship of Dr. Vasant Gowarikar.
1987-1990: Nine regional seminars in addition to a national seminar organized to combat Gowarikar Committee report.
1990: Dr Sukumaran Nair’s projection written report submitted to UGC that reflected a consensus to have got an accreditation agency accountable to UGC.
1992: The revised New Education Policy reiterated all circular improvement of educational institutions.
1994: Prof. G. Ram Reddy commission appointed to finalize the memorandum of association in addition to rules in addition to regulation of the accreditation board (July 1994).
1994: National Assessment in addition to Accreditation Council established at Bangalore (September 1994).
VISION: - To construct lineament the lineament defining chemical element of higher didactics inwards Bharat through a combination of self in addition to external lineament evaluation, advertisement in addition to sustenance initiatives.


v  To adapt for periodic assessment in addition to accreditation of institutions of higher didactics or units thereof, or specific academic programmes or projects;
v  To get the academic surroundings for advertisement of lineament of teaching-learning in addition to enquiry inwards higher didactics institutions;
v  To encourage self-evaluation, accountability, autonomy in addition to innovations inwards higher education;
v  To undertake quality-related enquiry studies, consultancy in addition to preparation programmes, and
v  To collaborate alongside other stakeholders of higher didactics for lineament evaluation, advertisement in addition to sustenance.  
Guided yesteryear its vision in addition to striving to laissez passer on its mission, the NAAC primarily assesses the lineament of institutions of higher didactics that volunteer for the process, through an internationally accepted methodology.
To promote cognizance developments in addition to the role of higher didactics inwards society, NAAC (2004) has developed 5 meat values:
1. Contributing to national development
2. Fostering global competencies amid students
3. Inculcating a value scheme inwards students
4. Promoting the occupation of technology
5. Quest for excellence
Governance Structure
NAAC’s working is governed yesteryear the General Council (GC) in addition to the Executive Committee (EC) on which University Grants Commission (UGC), All Bharat Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Association of Indian Universities (AIU), Universities, Colleges in addition to other professional person institutions are represented. Senior academics in addition to educational administrators are nominated as members on these 2 bodies.
President- General Council: - Prof. Ved Prakash has held eminent positions inwards a number of premier organizations dealing alongside Higher education, School education, in addition to Personnel selection.
Chairman- Executive Committee: -Clause 19(b) of the Rules of NAAC- Every coming together of the executive commission shall live presided over yesteryear the Chairperson of the executive commission in addition to inwards his/her absence yesteryear the Vice Chairman of UGC, in addition to inwards the absence of both the senior most fellow member of the Executive Committee.
NAAC functions through its General Council (GC) in addition to Executive Committee (EC) in addition to other academic, advisory in addition to administrative sub committees. NAAC draws its expertise from senior academics of undoubted integrity from all over India.
Important committees nether NAAC are as follows:
1. General Council
2. Executive Committee
3. Finance Committee
4. Building Committee
5. Appeals Committee
6. Purchase Committee
7. CRIEQA Committee
Instrumentation and Methodology
A novel methodology was introduced inwards Apr 2007, as per this methodology, the higher didactics institutions are assessed in addition to accredited inwards a 2 stair approach.
In the commencement step, the establishment is required to seek Institutional Eligibility for Quality Assessment (IEQA) in addition to the minute stair is the assessment in addition to accreditation of the institution. NAAC has identified 7 criteria-Curricular Aspects, Teaching, Learning in addition to Education, Researches, Consultancy in addition to Extension, Infrastructure in addition to learning Resources, Student back upward in addition to Progression, Governance in addition to Leadership in addition to  Innovative practices.
The methodology of NAAC is evolved over fifteen years in addition to has undergone several changes based on feedback from stakeholders to gibe stair alongside changing higher didactics scenario. In keeping alongside this tradition NAAC has initiated stakeholder consultation physical care for of a long fourth dimension too having contributed to the evolution of NAAC.
The Assessment in addition to Accreditation is inwards 3 dimensions which are explained below:
1. ON-LINE SUBMISSION OF Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 LETTER
2. PREPARATION OF SELF STUDY REPORT” – The commencement in addition to most of import stair inwards the physical care for of assessment is the submission of the self study written report to NAAC. NAAC believes that an establishment that actually understands itself- its strengths in addition to weaknesses, its potentials in addition to limitations. Self- study is thence envisaged as the backbone of the physical care for of assessment. NAAC insists that the written report comprise 2 parts. Part I may comprise information close the establishment nether the 7 criteria for assessment for which NAAC has developed a format. Based on the information collected inwards component division I, the establishment is expected to analyze its functioning in addition to performance, in addition to self-analysis becomes component division II of the self- study report.
3. PEER TEAM VISIT: -The pick of squad members in addition to their subsequent see to the unit of measurement of accreditation are stages inwards a physical care for that begins as shortly as an establishment submits its self- study report. The see yesteryear the peer squad gives the establishment an chance to speak over in addition to discovery ways of consolidating in addition to improving the academic environment. As the commencement stair to constitute the peer team, NAAC identifies a panel, from the extensive database of experts, alongside national- bird representation in addition to consults the establishment close whatsoever justifiable reservations it may have got regarding whatsoever fellow member of the panel. During the on-site visit, keeping inwards take away heed philosophy of NAAC, the peer squad does an objective assessment of the lineament of didactics offered inwards the establishment through 3 major activities- visiting departments in addition to facilities, interacting alongside diverse constituencies of the establishment in addition to checking documentary evidences.
4. GRADING AND CERTIFICATION: - The major role of the peer squad is to furnish the institutional score in addition to the detailed assessment report. The residue of the physical care for is to live performed yesteryear NAAC as directed yesteryear the executive committee. If overall score is non less than 55%, the establishment obtains the accredited status. Accredited institutions are graded on a five- cry for scale alongside the next scale values:
Institutions, which do non attain the minimum 55% points for accreditation, would too live intimated in addition to notified indicating that the establishment is “assessed in addition to found non qualified for accreditation”. After EC’s decision, the establishment is informed of the overall grade along alongside the criterion- wise scores in addition to the information is included on the website.     `
Quality Initiatives yesteryear NAAc
1. Quality Sustenance in addition to Promotion yesteryear sensitizing institutions to the concepts such as credit transfer, pupil mobility in addition to mutual   recognition
2. Establishment of State-Level Quality Assurance Co-ordination Committees (SLQACCs) inwards dissimilar States
3. Networking amid accredited institutions inwards monastic say to promote telephone substitution of "Best/Innovative Practices”
4. Dissemination of Best/Innovative Practices through seminar/workshops in addition to NAAC publications
5. Financial back upward to accredited institutions for conducting seminars/conferences/ workshops etc. on lineament issues inwards Higher Education
6. Establishment of Internal Quality Assurance Cells
7. State-wise analysis of Accreditation Reports for policy initiatives
8. Promoting the concept of Lead College in addition to Cluster of Colleges for Quality initiatives
9. Research grants for faculty of accredited institutions to execute projects on dissimilar themes / illustration studies
10. Initiation of pupil involvement for lineament enhancement
11. Developing international linkages for usual recognition through accreditation
Role of NAAC inwards changing scenario
Role of NAAC inwards the changing scenario of higher didactics needs to live redefined alongside observe to recognition cum accreditation, programme accreditation, national bird ranking of universities, preparation of national benchmarks, national in addition to international database, enquiry in addition to evolution centre, developing reports in addition to policy papers to Government of Bharat (GOI), accreditation of multiple accreditation agencies, recognition of regional/state bird accreditation bodies etc.
Assessment in addition to Accreditation yesteryear NAAC may live made mandatory for all higher didactics institutions of the country.
·                     NAAC may start programme accreditation
·                     Ranking of institutions may non live real much relevant when compared to grading
·                     All accreditation agencies including NAAC are to live accredited ane time inwards 3 years.
·                     While NAAC could live accredited yesteryear recognized international accreditation bodies, NAAC could perform this role for all the multiple accreditation agencies getting recognized yesteryear Government of Bharat (GOI).
·                     NAAC grading in addition to duration of accreditation may live linked in addition to longer flow of accreditation may live considered for the 3rd wheel of institutional accreditation.
·                     NAAC needs to travel along to live an Apex Assessment in addition to Accreditation trunk for higher didactics institution, inwards the province providing vision in addition to leadership.
NAAC suggestions
NAAC suggestions for overall evolution of the higher educational institutions, given below;
1. Since the province Govt. is deputing a large number of teachers for undergoing B.Ed programme, this is making the classes a chip crowded.
2.  Further, the Govt. colleges inwards the province are nether the dual command of the University on ane side in addition to the Govt. on the other. Would it live possible for the Govt. & the University to construct these colleges as factor colleges of the University, thence paving the way for their ameliorate growth & development?
3. In sentiment of the increased number of seats & diversification of courses, the college needs to have got to a greater extent than number of teachers, especially inwards languages.
4. Laboratory facility needs to live enriched in addition to expanded.
5. College should have got a good equipped linguistic communication lab, especially inwards sentiment of the fact that every B.Ed Trainee opts for ane language.
6. The college caters to the academic needs of the students who came from far off areas similar Kargil and Ladakh; it needs to have got hostels for boys in addition to girls students.
7. As internship & do of teaching are separately shown inwards the syllabus, internship needs to live streamlined & broad based.
8. Provision of to a greater extent than or less merit cum agency scholarships demand to live made for students from weaker subdivision of society in sentiment of the tendency of increment inwards fee construction every year.
9. The suggestions pose forth yesteryear the faculty to the University that the Project piece of work should non live grouping work, needs immediate attending to avoid discrimination.
10. The Computer lab should live expanded, have to a greater extent than qualified Teachers; Faculty improvement programme should live strengthened.
Challenges ahead inwards higher didactics
The recent developments mainly globalization of didactics in addition to the extensive occupation of educational applied scientific discipline have got made the number of lineament measuring fifty-fifty to a greater extent than complex. The lineament assurance systems have got to constantly modify their physical care for to address a growing multifariousness of opened upward in addition to distance learning opportunities, which is stimulated yesteryear the occupation of information technologies. The review procedures developed for conventional scheme are hardly sufficient for electronic delivery methods, which has a wider reach.
A large number of institutions are offering distance didactics programmes. They occupation multimedia strategies, enroll higher number of students of heterogeneous backgrounds in addition to differ considerably inwards their capacities to occupation electronic media in addition to delivery infrastructure. The evolution has serious implications for lineament assurance agencies.
A similar line organisation arises inwards the context of international students’ mobility due to globalization of education. When pupil enroll inwards other countries of unusual universities offering programmes inwards the students abode country, the study plans must live evaluated to flora equivalence of their bird programmes.
The emergence of private higher didactics establishment is too a greater line organisation to maintain lineament in addition to standard. Privatization creates lilliputian job but the commercialization of self financing institutions create lot of problems for maintaining lineament as making profits is their original concern. They run the establishment without good qualified staff, needed infrastructure, pupil facilities, enquiry etc. In such type of institutions, the human relationship betwixt the capacity to offering lineament programmes in addition to the scale of delivery of services is difficult to establish. Because of the internationalization of education, the solution to the major issues in addition to problems concerning lineament assurance should live sought through co-operation amid institutions in addition to countries. Therefore, global endeavor is needed to bargain alongside the challenge to lineament assurance.
            An Internal Quality Assurance Cell has to play crucial role inwards protecting the lineament of didactics service inwards India. The establishment of this prison theater cellular telephone is a mandatory chore earlier every higher didactics establishment that is planning to travel for NAAC accreditation. Educational Institution, NAAC, AICTE, UGC in addition to province in addition to primal governments has to impose sure variety of restrictions on every higher didactics establishment inwards lineament aspects of the service delivery which volition house them inwards sure pressure level inwards dissimilar lineament dimensions. Now everybody has realized the importance of lineament deliverables inwards this sector to protect the local institutions from the unusual institutions which has already entered into the province in addition to received prominent answer from the prospective students’. If our higher didactics institutions in addition to regulatory bodies failed to maintain lineament aspects inwards delivering the lineament didactics service; those institutions definitely volition disappear from the didactics map of India. Therefore sustaining lineament inwards this crucial sector which volition mould the futurity of our upcoming generations is a prime number responsibleness of our didactics scheme which volition live possible exclusively through continuous monitoring alongside the back upward of Internal Quality Assurance Cell of every Higher Education Institution.

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