Info Tips And Tricks For Writing In Scientific Journals

Info Tips And Tricks For Writing In Scientific Journals
Kategori : EDUCATION makalah

Any articles that are going to be published in a scientific journal should follow certain requirements. The requirements include : substantial, Methodolgical, style, and technical. The technical aspect are ussualy clearly written or stated in the back of the journal. 

 Any articles that are going to be published in a scientific journal should follow certain INFO  Tips and tricks for writing in scientific journals

Beside the technical aspects, the articles should be suitable with the mission of the journal. The mission is related with the substance and the methodology used in the journal. An article that is not suitable with the mission of the journal will never be published in the journal.

The writer should know the mission of the journal. The mission of the journal indicates the fields of study and its coverage, and the kind of articles that can be published in the journal. The mission or the content of the journal can be seen from the name of the journal, the introduction in the inside front cover and sometimes it also written in the inside back cover.

in line with the omission of journal, purnomo (2003:1) states that writer should pay attention to several features as follows :

firstly, the writer should know the field of study and its coverage. They have relationship with the topic and their coverage. There is journal with a very specific covarage and there also some journals that are not so specific because they cover various topics, can have research-based or conceptual articles.

secondly, the writer should know what kind of article that can be published in the journal. Certain journal only publish research-based articles and other journals publish both research-based articles and conceptual articles.

thirdly, the writer should know what language used in the journal. certain journals only publish articles in indonesian, but some journals publish both articles that are written in indonesian and english.

in line with style, ussualy it is related with the local style of the journals. The style is related with the technical matters such as how to write titles and sub-titles. how to quotes the references, and how to write the references. Rofai (1995:69) suggests us to write the titles of our articles not more than 12 words. The writer may have this information by reading the titles of the articles published in the journals.

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